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Community Grant$

Philadelphia is the 'poorest' of the largest U.S. cities and faces significant challenges, especially within its inner-city public schools. These schools often suffer from chronic underfunding, inadequacy, and lack educational resources and opportunities for students to thrive and succeed.

As part of our community development initiative, we provide grants to local nonprofits actively engaged in promoting social change and addressing the needs of underprivileged children and youth in our community.

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2022 Black Philanthropy Month
$2,000 Nonprofit Grant Winner

 Dimplez 4 Dayz, Inc.

Dimplez 4 Dayz was started by 13-year-old Akayla Brown in 2016. Akayla is now 20 years old and continues her mission to empower the voice of the youth and reduce youth violence in Philadelphia.


Akayla's nonprofit provides resources and programs through her Dimplez Dreamz Resource Center. The center provides a safe haven for 30-40 children daily, mentorship, trips, internet access, and more.

Past Nonprofit Grant Winners!

Click picture to view details about organization.

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